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#FashionSpaceAsks - Pauline Fleur

1.  Please introduce who you are and what you do in 2 sentences. 

My name is Paulín, I’m a designer and seamstress for my own brand called PaulineFleur. I’ve already been many years in this industry, and I have worked for other designers and ateliers. I launched with my own brand and designs with my first fashion show in 2018 at Feboda. I’m very passionate and very detail oriented. In an era where everything is industrially manufactured, I try to offer a hand-made and unique product. 

 2.  How would you describe your current mood?

 With high spirits –hoping that the confinement will have a positive repercussion on the people’s way of thinking. 

 3.  What effect has Covid 19 had on you and your business? 

Currently, I can’t cater to clients – and many have cancelled the planned events, which impacts me directly because the orders are also cancelled, some of them hopefully only postponed! But everything slows down the work. 

 4.  What effect had Covid 19 had on your supply chain (if relevant)? 

I don’t have a supply chain, I have a very classic atelier, I do it all myself, the designs, the patterns and tailoring. I like to work with unique models. 

 5.  What has been the biggest challenge during this period of lockdown? 

I can’t always finish all my work because I might miss some material – but I use this time to go for a different approach – I’ve made an inventory of all the remnants I have, some of them are big in size, so my challenge has been to create pieces according to the size of the remnant! And besides my work, my challenge is… not to eat too many sweets! Hahahaha! 

 6.  What have you done during lockdown to innovate? 

As I said before, I work a little differently – I apply the “zero waste”, and with all the mini-remnants I store (that may be due to my “patchworky” fun-side), I make little pieces like a  “clutch, or pouch” that are essential accessories, because we always need that little detail to combine famously with what we are wearing; so, with the leftover of a dress I make a small handbag or aclasped coin purse (which I love…) 

8.  How do you think this crisis will affect the fashion industry? 

I hope most people change their mindset with respect to fast-fashion consumption. I think that this confinement has been good to become aware that the compulsive buying encouraged by fast-fashion is not necessary, that it is better to confer appreciation and value to a product – to know the material it is made of, in what conditions, by whom – and if it is also exclusively made for you, then it is a high value good. I hope many will act differently, understanding the disastrous repercussion that textile industry has on the environment and at a human level also. 

10. What would you advise our/your followers to keep their spirits up during lockdown? 

To use this time – it is the only true treasure we have, and we must enjoy it. Maybe some days you won’t feel like doing anything – alright – don’t, but become aware... It is a great time to reflect upon everything!